Saturday, April 28, 2012

Newest trend: Skype presents emoticons with human faces!

As I previously wrote, Skype is rising. Now, they are bringing a new way of communication. As a part of their newest marketing campaign Skype started Facebook App that will make the virtual interaction, human. The name of the App is Skype Humoticons.

The application enables you to replace the classic emotion icons, as smile, sad face or the sticking tongue, with real human expressions.

Your photos can be placed in the Humoticon gallery, or you can take a picture of your face expression. You can post the photos to your Wall, save them on your computer, convert them in URL or share them via Instant Messenger.

"It's time to Skype" campaign is launched at the beginning of the month and is based on the idea that social networks like Twitter and Facebook "degrade humanity."
And that is the motive behind Skype Humoticons? "Because nothing can replace the expression on your face," it's stated in the official blog of the company.

You can sense a little irony in the campaign. In the same time, Skype is criticizing Twitter and Facebook, but also this company uses both networks to promote their services.
Do we really need emoticons human persons to restore humanity in online communication? I think that this is not necessary, but this is another way of communication that could prove to be interesting. Try it, maybe it's fun, I don't use Skype anyway. =)