Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Social App of the Month – Rola

Rola we reviewed by our team last week. This social profile management and sharing app save a lot of time and hassle when it comes to connecting on social media. Since we believe it offers amazing value and usability for our readers, we decided to make it our Social App of the Month. Read more about it below. 

At its core, Rola is an all in one social profile sharing app. It allows users to add and then share all their social media profiles from one place. Instead of having to manually enter usernames and names, Rola users can go to all social profiles with simple taps. 

This process of going to any desired social profile of a person saves time and effort. Especially, when you need to connect with a group of people you’ve just met. In that way, Rola can be of extreme help for individuals that frequently meet new people. 

Great Privacy Control 

When you sign up on Rola, it’s best to use your real name for easy discovery. This doesn’t mean that you can’t control your privacy. On the contrary, Rola gives you great control with features such as the one that hides your surname. 

If you are ready to simplify how you share your social profiles and connect on social media, Rola is a must-have. Try it for free on almost any Android or iOS mobile device. 


App Store Download Link: Rola 

Google Play Download Link: Rola