Monday, July 6, 2015 cloud mining review: Making money with Bitcoin cloud mining

Bitcoin is the globally popular digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank. In order to earn bitcoins, you need to mine them.

What is mining?

With paper money, a government decides when to print and distribute money. Bitcoin doesn't have a central government. With Bitcoin, miners use special software to solve math problems and are issued a certain number of bitcoins in exchange. This provides a smart way to issue the currency and also creates an incentive for more people to mine.


Hashnet is a unique service we recently found on the Internet and it offers BitCoin cloud mining. It represents a decentralized marketplace built in for the instant trade of mining power. All you need to in order to start using the service is register. After that you’ll need to deposit some bitcoins. You can then start investing and buy certain Amount of GH/s, according to your budget and desire.
The process is as following. You invest certain amount of money (lets say $100) with that you are basically purchasing mining power from them. Every hour you will receive payouts in bitcoins based on your mining power. So based on the calculations these rewards will add up to your initial investment of $100 (in BTC) within 150-160 days. This period heavily relies on bitcoin price and the mining difficulty. However, be sure to expect 10-15% annual return at least. You can easily earn more if you sell your mining power on the market at the right time, since you get all the income from that trade as well.

Because it is decentralized and cloud based, Hashnet offers unique service that will surely attract many users. Based on my experience using similar services I can assure that Hashnet is the most reliable on the market. It guarantees 150 days ROI, which is incredible when compared to other Bitcoin mining services. All you need is certain amount of cash and investment. I can confirm is that the prices and the decentralized style of work is only great for users.

After you are satisfied with the amount you earned you can see or trade with other users of the website. Hashnet also offers various other features, like you can see all of the history and the trades within the website. Hashnet is definitely a great possibility to earn some extra income, especially if you want to invest good money in it. On top of that you can sign up till July 8 and get 1 GH/s for free.