Monday, April 7, 2014

Conversations in Communication - Quality, professional, expert piece on Business Communication

As a PR of a non-governmental organization, I’m constantly trying to improve my communication skills. Recently I had the opportunity to read this book, which helped me in so many aspects of my work. Not only in the area of Public Relations, but also in creating strategies, cultural communication and the thing that most of the entrepreneurs and businessmen try to avoid nowadays – the social media.

The book includes so many professional aspects in communication, for which I wasn’t even aware they exist. This master piece is one of the most professional and most expert books I have ever read in this field. But, don’t fool yourself that the book is complex. It is well written, rich in solutions, examples and advices and on top of that it is easy to read and understand as well.

The field it helped me the most are obviously PR, but also in branding and other communication fields. It is obvious that the author did great organization and research on every chapter. Everything is up to date and I know that I will implement so many aspects and techniques from his essays and researches in my work environment.

As corporate and cultural communications are maybe my cons, the book really helped me to improve and to become better professional. Now I’m implementing the techniques I’ve read in this book and I know that they will have result. I feel like mine communication skills when contacting and reaching to bigger organizations and companies are way better.

Conversations in Communication will help a lot of business professionals. So, if you work in the marketing/management sector you definitely need to read this little professional master piece. 

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