Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Meet Zoe, digital assistant with emotions

Do you hate reading long text messages? If the answer is yes, in the future there will be a solution for you.

The Cambridge University researchers have released a new project called Zoe "digital face that realistically expresses human emotions."

Zoe should read the message you get, instead of you.

For any sentence, Zoe has a whole gamut of emotions, and it is expected that one day this avatar will be able to read any text message from your smartphone.

Also, scientists hope to someday be able to integrate technology that will enable you the picture of you to be the one that will read your text.

This may be the first step toward a new era of "face-messaging", as it is called by the experts from Cambridge.

There are many companies working on natural communication between humans and computers.

The most famous is certainly that Apple's Siri personal assistant programmed to understand normal language and occasionally respond to the occasional joke.

IBM's Watson computer is also a fast learner, and it is rumored that he could be found on smartphones in near future.

What Zoe does apart from all of these projects is the facial expression of emotion that comes along, within the meaning of the words read.

See how it looks: