Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Friends Is a Completely Private Social App with Messaging, Calls, Online Shopping & More

The most popular social networks are great, but all of them sell your data to their advertisers so they can create targeted advertising campaigns. In the last couple of years, we’ve presented some alternative social apps that protect your privacy, and today we will present Friends – the privacy protected social network.


Friends is a private social network and communication app focused on privacy and encrypted communication. Its core social features allow you to send friend request, communicate with other users, post photos and videos and a lot more.

A lot more than just a social app

Besides its social features, Friends also offers variety of extra features we loved. For example you can make global calls within the app. These calls can be video calls, or landline and mobile network calls to anyone in the world. Additionally, you can create and post ads to sell stuff. Or you can also shop for items from other people and the popular retail networks such as Amazon.

When you have an upcoming event you can create and invite people, or you can also discover what to do by browsing events posted from people like you. If you are interested in trying a new private and versatile social network and communication app, Friends is a must-try. It is free and available on Google Play.

Google Play Download Link: Friends